Shifting systems and outcomes for children and young people caught in the destructive cycle of crime is urgent and important. SHiFT does this work with thanks to the generous support of many, including those listed below:

Growing up is risky business. SHiFT is giving children and young people the foundations and support they need to live safe and bright futures.

We need your help.

Pound sterling symbol in pink circle


Enables a SHiFT Guide to find ‘the hook’ for a child or young person they’re working with – give them access to tailored opportunities that get open doors, broaden horizons, and catalyse positive change in their lives.

Enables a child or young person to work intensively with a SHiFT Guide for at least 18 months. Their Guide will do whatever it takes alongside them to break the destructive cycle of crime.

Enables a new SHiFT Programme to be delivered, working with the 27 children and young people in a local area who would benefit most from intensive therapeutic support, and enabling SHiFT to test, learn from, and evidence the impacts of working differently to influence systems change. 

